Geo-targeted scouting alerts: Click here to subscribe!

Obtain Traps / Participate in Pest Survey Research

If you want to help with ongoing monitoring efforts by deploying traps at your garden, fill out this webform so that we can connect you with the appropriate parties / resources.

Threat-specific monitoring checklists and visual aids



Regional Guides to Significant Plant Pests and Diseases:

Diagnostic field guides are available, and feature pests and pathogens of concern to diagnosticians in the your region. If you work for a Sentinel Plant Network garden you can get printed copies of your Regional Pest Deck to distribute at First Detector workshops for free as part of our Educator's Kit. See below for a list of regions, and contact Tyler Hale for Pest Deck orders.

Great Plains Region

Northeast Region

North Central Region

Southern Region

Western Region


For more resources, see:

NPDN's First Detector pest-specific picture clues and posterswhich include common look-alikes!

Newsletters, Listservs, and Links of Interest