The World Climate Project provides resources that let you confidently lead people in thought-provoking, mock-UN events that simulate the United Nations climate talks. As world leaders prepare to gather for these vitally important talks, people everywhere must engage in acts of leadership on climate change. You can build awareness of the greatest challenge facing humanity by helping people –your team, your friends, your colleagues, anyone—experience what it’s like to negotiate a climate deal.
Climate Interactive
Education Curriculum
Teacher Training Mash-Up: Creative Ways to Break Barriers & Engage Educators
This session is a rapidfire mash-up of 5-minute snapshots of creative teacher engagement strategies, small-group brainstormings, and facilitated dialogues. Participants should bring their...
Education Curriculum
K-12 Career Education: Inspiring the Next Generation of Garden Professionals
As fewer students choose careers in horticulture, it is imperative for public gardens to raise awareness for the diverse career opportunities available...
Education Curriculum
Shifting Horizons: Avant-Garde Perspectives in Adult Education
Successfully engaging the adult learner requires a delicate balance of science and art. How do we as education departments continue to serve...
Education Curriculum
ANtarctic geological DRILLing ELF Factbook
(ANtarctic geological DRILLing) is a multinational collaboration comprised of more than 200 scientists, students, and educators from seven nations. The...