(ANtarctic geological DRILLing) is a multinational collaboration comprised of more than 200 scientists, students, and educators from seven nations. The chief objective is to drill back in time to recover a history of paleoenvironmental changes that will guide our understanding of how fast, how large, and how frequent were glacial and interglacial changes in the Antarctica region.
The ELF provides a set of materials based on middle school standards and a model for incorporating them into existing curriculum. The ELF combines climate change concepts drawn from the Essential Principles of Ocean Sciences, Climate Literacy: The Essential Principles of Climate Science, Earth Science Literacy Principles: The Big Ideas and Supporting Concepts of Earth Science, and Essential Principals and Fundamental Concepts for Atmospheric Science Literacy.
The Activity Book contains lessons relevant to Public Garden educators such as: Unit – 4 Biosphere, 4A – Phenology: Step Together Step, 4B – Life in an Acid Bath, 4C – Biodiversity/Habitat Loss.