The Sentinel Plant Network contributes to plant conservation by engaging public garden professionals, volunteers, and visitors in the detection and diagnosis of high consequence pests and pathogens.
About the sentinel plant network
First launched in 2011, the Sentinel Plant Network is a collaboration between the American Public Gardens Association and the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN). This partnership makes it possible to extend NPDN’s diagnostic and “First Detector” training expertise to the diverse collections and public outreach programs of the more than 500 public gardens across the continent. The program is funded by the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) through the Farm Bill, Section PPA 7721.
Browse the variety of resources offered in the Sentinel Plant Network Toolbox, such as scouting and training resources, disaster preparedness and risk management resources, diagnostic/reporting resources, newsletters and forms.
The Sentinel Plant Network offers FREE regional professional development events to public garden professionals. At the workshop we cover IPM and pest monitoring basics, update you on significant threats known to be active in the region, and introduce you to emerging threats not yet in the US, but which would have a severe impact were they to be introduced. There are no registration fees for our workshops, and we will reimburse your organization for travel and lodging costs.
The Sentinel Plant Work is supported by the USDA APHIS.