Welcome to the Plant Collections Network!
The resources on this page are designed to help you make the most of your participation in the Network.
Elevator Speech
Share the value of the Plant Collections Network Program and why it matters.
The Plant Collections Network is one of the most significant networks of cultivated living plant collections on Earth. The Network stewards diverse living collections at public gardens across North America to safeguard plants and share them with the world. Known for excellence and high curation standards, we use the collections for education, demonstration, and research. Through a collaborative community, the Network also mentors garden professionals and strengthens collections by coordinating efforts. Documented collections are maintained according to professional standards by trained curators. The Network, a program of the American Public Gardens Association in cooperation with the USDA- Agricultural Research Service, currently includes over 140 Nationally Accredited Plant Collections™ at 80 gardens across the country enabling us to support education, curation, and conservation.
Developed by Plant Collections Network Committee and staff at American Public Gardens Association, September 2018
Looking for inspiration, or need an example of how to document a collection? Check out three excellent plant collections.
Tips for turning up your collections page
Examples of Network presence
Presence on Garden Websites
See how your fellow Network members recognize their Nationally Accredited Plant Collections™.

Presence at Member Gardens
See how your fellow Network members display their Nationally Accredited Plant Collections™.
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