Grow Your Garden

February 27-March 1 | Atlanta, GA
Hosted by: Atlanta Botanical Garden

Success in growing your garden through membership and contributed income requires skill, teamwork, knowledge of best practice and industry trends, and buy-in from all levels of your organization.  GROW YOUR GARDEN, the 2019 Development & Membership Symposium, will also grow YOU as a professional, whether you’re working directly in fundraising or membership, leading your organization, or working in cross-departmental teams to achieve common goals.
This  biannual Symposium typically attracts 80-100 professionals representing 26 states and at all levels of organizational management. It’s a great opportunity to network with your fellow garden members, learn from each other’s experiences, and to share best practices.

Sponsored by
Membership Consultants

Scholarship Sponsor: SD&A Telemarketing

Technology Partner: MobileCause


The American Public Gardens Association has been named an Approved Provider with CFRE International for 2018-19. Grow Your Garden has been approved for 9.5 credit hours towards Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) accreditation.