More than 450 scientists from around the world recently released findings showing that up to one million species may become threatened with extinction. At a time when scientists are calling for strengthened biodiversity protections, the United States is undoing provisions of the Endangered Species Act.
On August 27, 2019, the Trump Administration published three final regulatory rollbacks that drastically weaken the Endangered Species Act. The Act has successfully protected the bald eagle, American alligator, Pacific salmon, humpback whale, brown pelican, as well as many other species and their habitats-from mountain tops to coastal beaches. These new regulations change the rules governing the recovery of listed species, strip any new "threatened" species of the automatic protections they once received, and make it considerably harder for species to gain protections in the first place.
Scientists are some of the most important voices in the country about the natural world, and they must be well versed in the impacts of these rollbacks. Your input is necessary to ensure that, as a country, we are good stewards of the environment and leave behind a legacy for our children and grandchildren of protecting endangered species and the special places they call home. Watch our webinar with Endangered Species Act experts to learn more about how these new rules impact species conservation in the United States.