Want to know more about how your garden can get…A standard of excellence in plant collections management that leverages the best of federal and garden relationships? The direct collection and distribution of plants for research, conservation, and collections stewardship? The education of not only public garden professionals, but children and entire communities on high-consequence plant pests and pathogens? Subsidized scouting and monitoring of collections? Raising awareness about and conserving crop wild relatives? These program initiatives are firmly rooted with our partnerships. Our representatives from many branches within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will talk about how their work directly impacts and benefits your garden through interrelated Association programs. Relationships with branches of the USDA provide an array of impacts for hundreds of gardens, and will provide direct benefits to yours.
D.Pivorunas, National Forest Genetics Laboratory,Placerville, Florida and Washington, District of Columbia; V. Lopez, National Forest Genetics Laboratory, Washington, District of Columbia; R.Cooksey, National Forest Service, Washington, District of Columbia; M.Haidet, Division of Plant Science, Washington, District of Columbia, National Institute of Food and Agriculture ,Washington, District of Columbia; L.Katz, United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Washington, District of Columbia; D. Rhodes,Bureau of Plant Industry, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; R.Olsen; US National Arboretum, Washington, District of Columbia,