Young children have the right to a say in matters of relevance to them. And, research is showing that they are capable of exercising this right, given developmentally appropriate opportunities. Exciting new approaches to lifting children’s voices in both research approaches and educational practice provide expressions of this fundamental right. The Children & Nature Network is collaborating with Natural Start Alliance (a project of the North American Association of Environmental Education) to facilitate this webinar about evidence- and practice-based information to make the case for affirming the voices, experiences and cultural ways of knowing of our youngest participants in nature-based education.

Presented by:
Cathy Jordan – Consulting Research Director for Children & Nature Network.
Dr. Carie Green – Associate Professor in the School of Education, Graduate Programs, at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Her research focuses on participatory methods for engaging young children as active researchers of culture and change.
Natalie Lucas – Manager and Educator of Wee Ones Daycare & Preschool and Valhalla Children’s Center in British Columbia.