WARNING: Several Association members have teamed up to tell a series of terrifying tales – some so shocking, so creepy that you may not sleep a full night again. Topic titles include: Invasion of the Plant Snatchers – rodentia, Deer, and even Canada Geese; Is That a Gun You’re Carrying…into the Garden?; No Bones About It, Cemeteries Make Haunted and Fertile Gardens; Parking Pains and Zombie Neighbors; and Oh Hail No! You can stand up, fight back, and succeed even when surrounded by darkness and all seems lost. Find out how from our panel of expert monster hunters, defenders of freedom, and champions of downtrodden plants everywhere.
Presenters: B. Vogt, Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver, Colorado; C. Sclar, American Public Gardens Association, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania; S. Carr, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, Georgia; S. Smith, Cheyenne Botanic Gardens, Cheyenne, Wyoming.