How do gardens creatively bring new life to their annual exhibitions? Each year gardens across the country feature annual experiences that have become a staple for their organization. These exhibitions might manifest themselves as an annual orchid show, a butterfly exhibition, seasonal landscape plantings, or an annual holiday display. Panelists from varying geographic locations, sizes, budgets, and landscape types will discuss ways they have evolved and developed these experiences from year-to-year, while managing to keep visitors and staff excited.
Changing the Landscape of Annual Exhibitions to Meet Expectations

Public Garden Magazine – Volume 40, Issue 1
FOCAL POINTS The Transformative Power of Pay Equity at Filoli Embracing Ecology Principles in Leadership: A Path to Adaptive, Forward-Thinking...
Fundraising for Food and Ag Programs in Public Gardens
Presented by the Food & Agriculture Community Everybody eats! Food and agriculture programming is growing in public gardens across North...
Working Through Programmatic Changes with Volunteers
Presented by the Volunteer Engagement Community We all know that changes are a given, but changes can be hard for...
Ask an Expert: Living Collections & Conservation
Presented by the Emerging Professionals Community Watch this enlightening panel discussion with three leading figures in plant conservation, collections management,...