Prior to Workshop  – 

  1. Each registrant should read the attached Guidelines for Listing, Categorizing and Sharing Information on Plant Taxa Spreading from Cultivation at Public Gardens in North America (Guidelines).
  2. Participants should come to the workshop prepared to discuss taxa spreading from cultivation within their gardens. Based on the Guidelines, they should consider how they would rank at least 3 taxa which have been observed escaping cultivation within their gardens. If registrants’ gardens already have a list of taxa, then this will suffice.
  3. Participants should register and gain access to the PGSIP database. Without doing so prior to the workshop, the participants may have difficulty fully engaging in the workshop. 
  4. While a brief overview of PGSIP will be provided during the workshop, registrants are encouraged to watch pre-recorded webinars of PGSIP for fuller context or read the article on the topic.
    1. Webinar #1: Becoming Sentinels Against Invasive Plants: Rolling out Guidelines to Develop Your Garden’s Plant List
    2. Video #2: Using the Database to Share your Garden’s Plant List
    3. Public Garden Magazine’s (attached) article on PGSIP (see page 10)
  5. Participants will be encouraged to submit questions to PGSIP team ahead of the workshop (