Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Monday November 9, 2015

The dawn redwood collection of The Dawes Arboretum is maintained as both a collection of cultivars (since there is only one species, Metasequoia glyptostroboides) and a collection of genotypes of wild-origin plants. Our dawn redwood grove of is one of the largest representations of genetic material outside of the country of origin, China. Since the Dawes Arboretum assemblage is maintained in a relatively small area (8 acres), the eventual resultant seedlings will have a greater depth of genetics than can occur in its larger, native range in China. Although mostly complete, additional collections of documented wild-sourced plants are being added when available.

The collection, as it exists, is represented by 30 taxa (29 of which are cultivars) made up of 500 specimens (and growing)!

For a current listing of the publicly accessible dawn redwoods in our collection, visit Dawes Arboretum Explorer and select the genus “Metasequoia.”

Collection Holdings


  • Dawes Arboretum
    Dawes Arboretum