The Toledo Botanical Garden Hosta Collection is accredited by the Plant Collections Network and was also designated as a National Display Garden of the American Hosta Society in 2002.
This collection displays more than 500 different varieties. Volunteers from the Black Swamp Hosta and Daylily Society assist Metroparks Toledo staff with the maintenance and acquisition of new plants for this collection. The collection features some of the nation’s most popular Hosta cultivars including many introduced by local hybridizers in Ohio as well as plants hybridized as far away as China, Japan, and Europe. Sections within this collection include the Asian American Garden, East Meets West Walk, Green-Blue Walk, Green-White Walk, Green-Yellow Walk, Blue-Yellow Walk, Miniatures Section, Red Petioles Section, Wavy Leaf Garden, Ohio Hybridizers Garden, America’s Favorites Garden, New Cultivars Garden, Sun Tolerant Garden, Fragrant Hosta Garden, Great Lakes Garden, Woodland Bed, Contemplation Walk, Pocket Garden, and the Parterre Garden.