Presented by the Food & Agriculture Professional Community

Long before the advent of today’s agriculture, people looked to the trees for food as a part of natural systems layered with complex interactions between land, water, wildlife, and the human hand. This knowledge is being reincorporated at public gardens today to demonstrate regenerative ag practices, create productive and dynamic tree cover, and even reach foodies in search of trendy new flavors!

In this multi-faceted webinar, we’ll hear from Eliza Greenman of the Savanna Institute, a Midwestern institution catalyzing the development and adoption of resilient, scalable agroforestry, as she outlines basic principles and opportunities for collaboration in public gardens.

An exciting case study will follow with Robert Graham of New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill, covering the Garden’s collaboration with the American Chestnut Cooperator’s Foundation in restoring these productive giants of the forest back to the landscape. Graham also offers a preview of plans to employ agroforestry in redeveloping historic ag land as a part of the Garden.

Cost: Free for Members; $15 for Non-Members

This event will be recorded and shared with all registrants about one week after and made available in our Library/Media Center. All virtual events are hosted via Zoom and will have closed captioning available. If you have questions about the event’s accessibility, please reach out to

The statements and opinions expressed by panelists, hosts, attendees, or other participants of this event are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of, nor are endorsed by, the American Public Gardens Association.