Garden Benchmarking is open for FY2023 Data Entry.

Compensation and Benefits Benchmarking will return in 2025.

GARDEN BENCHMARKING: Your garden’s size, location, employees, volunteers and more!

Garden Benchmarking is a simple to use, seriously powerful benefit of your organization’s membership in the American Public Gardens Association. The power of data reveals industry trends based upon real world information, not speculation. When you have the benchmarks based upon data from dozens of your peer gardens, you have seriously powerful information that can help your garden thrive.

Reports are available to all Association members. Garden members have access to reports including their specific garden data (if their garden inputs data).
Executive Garden Leaders can grant additional access to their staff (see “Get Access” below).

Your garden’s specific data is always private and confidential – it is never shared with anyone outside your garden.
All results are shown as aggregate data and a minimum of five gardens are needed for any aggregate.

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Garden Benchmarking

Watch our in-depth introduction to the Garden Benchmarking tool.



Enter Your Data

When entering your data, use the most recent fiscal year that closed in the period represented. We base this assuming that your fiscal year is denoted by the last month your fiscal year closes in (ex. last month of FY is December of 2017 = FY17).

If you have already entered data into the system, the “Copy Data” feature allows you to quickly import the previous year’s data so you only need to update anything that’s changed.

Enter Data


Generating Your Reports

Compare your garden’s baselines to other peer gardens. Data filters allow you to adjust for comparable gardens of your size – in your region and across the country.

One click can provide specialized, personalized, PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint Reports and Presentations about your garden and where it stands relative to your peers.

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