"As with most writing, contributing to a professional publication proved to be good practice in organizing ideas and supporting them with evidence. It’s a good exercise for any professional. It is also a good experience to go through an editing process, to have someone else read the words and improve them. The more you do this, the better your writing becomes.
In addition to improving my writing, this article (and others) are part of my professional résumé. They add dimension to my experiences and make my expertise more credible."

Katherine Johnson

Youth Education Director
Chicago Botanic Garden 


"Writing about our work helps us to focus, explain what we are doing, and define the impacts of our garden with our community. Writing is an important way to share our work with others. Many of us have the same issues and concerns and seeing how others handled similar situations is helpful. We get new ideas from others as well.

Writing for Public Garden has helped to quantify work and to put specific projects into a larger perspective. Everyone should think of writing as a means of benchmarking their work and sharing ideas and results with others."

Mary H. Meyer, Ph.D.

Professor and Extension Horticulturist
Director of Masters in Professional Studies-Horticulture

University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum